Hello to all
Apologies for the long silence without any updates.
Although Garry and Ross have been overseas, around that, a lot has been achieved.
As you would be aware from our website, our approach differs from earlier attempts as to the rationale for HSR, its design to meet Australian conditions, and how it can be implemented in a cost effective manner.
These are detailed in a series of reports including:
Population trends and decentralisation options for South-East Australia (2021)
High-Speed Rail: A New Approach (2021)
High-Speed Rail for Regional Growth (2021)
Implementation Plan for High-Speed Rail (Jan 2023)
Implications of High-Speed Rail for Canberra and the Capital Region (May 2023)
Freight and High-Speed Rail (June 2023)
A proposed Governance Structure for HSR (September 2023), and
A soon to be released discussion paper on our proposed HSR route through Sydney.
Please see the following Summary Information link about Fastrack Australia, its work to date and its current HSR proposals.
Key discussions have occurred recently with the acting CEO of the High Speed Rail Authority (HSRA), with the office of the Chief Minister of the ACT and the office of Senator Pocock in the ACT.
Whilst discussions with HSRA provided for a sharing of information, it was disappointing to find that the HSRA’s remit from government is somewhat narrow in focus. HSRA has no brief to look at other options other than the Sydney – Newcastle segment of HSR at this time.
The latter two ACT discussions were important in regard to seeking support for a Sydney - Canberra first stage for HSR or even just a Canberra – Goulburn initial stage.
Whilst Fastrack has its preferred options for commencing HSR, its underlying objective is to facilitate government(s) rapidly securing a HSR corridor, no matter which section is agreed as the first stage of the overall Brisbane to Melbourne route.
We are very interested in any views from our supporter base on the way forward for HSR and the work and strategic directions of Fastrack Australia. Please feel free to email suggestions or pick the phone up.
One supporter has suggested a social catch up. Given the geographic spread of the supporter base, such an event may not be accessible to all. However, a presentation and Q & A followed by drinks could be arranged, in say Melbourne and/or Sydney, if there is enough supporter interest.
Best wishes to all
Garry, Ross and Syd